Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Elements of Pleasure IV - Tantric Massage

This time I found a mention and that is something for everyone ... After all it is rare to find someone who does not enjoy a good massage at the end of a day's work ... If she is well prepared and planned, can be a real moment of relaxation and pure pleasure ... The tips are ... Prepare the environment, make it cozy and comfortable. Decorate it to you like, use incense, cushions, lights, indirect, in short everything that can create an intimate and cozy atmosphere. Prepare the oil or cream for the massage and when everything is ready, take a bath or sauna, relax and remain in silence for at least 5 minutes (remember). Remember that will play a (the) God (a) Do not forget: if you go to the toilet before you start ... Start with (a) partner (a) the receiver lying belly down. Remember to breathe slowly and regularly. Place a pillow under your head, throw it comfortably. Open your legs a bit. Start by placing one of his hands in upper back and one in lower, so get a few moments. With smooth movements, massage the whole body of the partner (a), head, shoulders, arms, back, buttocks, legs and feet, touch body parts that are rarely explored, always maintaining contact with the hands of their partner's body ( a) keep the pace as long smooth movements, alternating movements for deeper, be sensitive. Put your consciousness in touch and go slowly from top to bottom the whole body of its (a) partner (a). Tell him to simply feel and travel through this feeling that your corpo.Deixe that the language of the body of your (a) partner (a) reflects what he (a) is feeling. Use your imagination and create new and sensual touch. Use your body to massage instead of putting power in your arms, so will not be bored. Use the time it is enjoyable, not rush. Now turn your (a) partner (a) belly up and massage the face, neck, chest (chest) enclose the nipples with the palm of the hands and give light pinches with her fingers, arms and hand massage, be sure to give attention to the fingers too. Go down to the legs, and while you lightly touch down the sexual organs do not make any restriction on where you play, let flow freely. Massage the thighs, legs and feet. Again take your time and when you finish this part, go back to the inside of the thighs, massaging it into the genitals, not even touch the genitals, pubic region to touch the belly, back to the inside of the thighs, do a dance with his hands. At this point the energy is well sexual awakening, then it is time to go further and begin to focus the tone in organs genitais.Lentamente, do your fingers through the vaginal lips (penis and testicles). Press sensuality clitoris and the vagina (penis and testicles) giving freedom to all that (the) love you. Use enough time to enjoy all the sensations. As you're getting excited (o), relax and breathe regularly, trying to get the effect if expand throughout your sexual fantasies corpo.As always help to intensify the sensations, but now it is better not to concentrate on mental images but go deep into your own physical, allowing you to feel all the sensations. If the orgasm comes, okay! No problem. When you start to see the arrival of orgasmic sensations, tension the muscles of buttocks, breath, bud, yell and express what you are feeling without complexes. Give yourself entirely to your body and pleasure. Cover your (a) partner (a) with a blanket and rest your right hand on their sex and left heart. Stay well for some time, just feeling. When you feel that is the right time, keep! Or leave for another day. Good massage! Source:

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