Monday, April 27, 2009

I lost someone ...

There are people in our lives, we make, positive or negative, it is true ... I wanted someone that my grandmother left the world of the living and to join the section of my memories ... She was a grandmother excellent, fantastic, but it was my grandmother ... It was with her I learned how to be humble and simple ... She took me to the garden walk many times and taught me to water the vegetables, taking water from the well, the "drive" the cart ... The dream for her grandchildren, and we were married ... She left without knowing my reality, a reality that surely she would not understand ... In its 94 years of life, it has never crossed the mind the existence of this reality ... I thought by me and not smart in arming and "force it" to consider the perspective of life ... And I think I did well! Funny this life ... That she has always tried to please me with a notinha, or with chocolate, just for the last time we talked about - she was already very poor - I say "I am with a heavy heart ...". I went to the children saying that it, and then realized that this phrase would simply say "Give me a chocolate !"... Obviously I would be happy for you sweeten the mouth ... She ate, looked at me fixedly and said "There is more ?"... I smile, and called it a "greedy !"... She outlined a smile malandreco ... The roles of the drama that is life, had been reversed ... A smile that would ultimately prove to be the last I had the pleasure of witnessing! Said the priest in the funeral that "This ceremony makes sense only because we believe that death is not the end but the beginning of eternal happiness. I think this time it is better that we all ..." I also want to believe ... Goodbye Grandma, and even a day!

Will or will not?

I remember the times in which it was made, which looked around me and thought I was different, it had very few gays ... Later, in conversation with some gay men on the internet, they told me "Hey, you already there? Is a nest of them ..."! However I have not fished there ... But then you start to come in the middle, I started to notice certain views and "features" that indicated it was a gay ... It is a phenomenon that also happened to my friends straight after going to a gay bar ... The next day went on the street and thought "Is that it? No. ..!"... I now also much more to this question myself, or when the Beautiful by my side because I feel that I see gays everywhere, ... There is a case recently in my current work, since the first hour seems to me to be gay ... But then put me to thinking that led me to think that ... He is normalíssimo, but is like aum natural feeling ... Is there really? This maturation of ideas, made me see things more clearly, and this is one ...

With friends ... at ease?

Lately, the last leaving at night that I made with my beautiful and straight friends, went to gay places ... The excuse to go to a gay place, in my view, is necessarily by being the only place where public can be comfortable with my beautiful ... But well, which always has to happen is that going with our straight friends, we should never feel sufficiently free to embrace or kiss on ... Weird no? After all they are there because we wanted to go there, supposed to be at ease ... I think this is due to the fact that we fear of "hurting" their sensitivity, which, and assume, it makes no sense ... Clearly it would because they feel we are well and wish them ... We have a couple hetero friend, that when we are together, ask us to feel completely at ease, since the fact that realizing that we are inhibited, the left a little annoyed ... But the truth is that we never completely at ease! Finally!

Elements of Pleasure - POPPERS

For some time, I want to explore some accessories or practices that may increase sexual pleasure in a relationship, regardless of the genders involved. So take the opportunity to inform me and give my contribution to society "posting" the results of what I seek ... The first element of pleasure that I address is the Popers or Poppers. It is an illegal substance, although access to a bottle of Popers is relatively easy. Any Fri Shop has ... "The Poppers is a liquid, which must be smelling when we increase our sexual appetite. The bottles can be larger or smaller, and have a look similar to the figure beside. Its main purpose the muscle relaxation, euphoria, increased sexual pleasure, dizziness, vertigo, pallor, hallucinations and intense heat. What is the history of Poppers? The Poppers were originally created as a remedy for angina (chest pain), but the benefit is not compensated because of side effects such as drop in pressure. The liquid is composed of that substance? The active substance is amyl nitrate, a vasodilator, analgesic and muscle relaxing. How to use? When in full sexual intercourse, should open up the bottle, carefully, and should put up a nostril to the "mouth" of the bottle and draw two or three times. What happens? In order to smell the Poppers will feel a weird feeling, like weed, to float, leaving the mind open and ready for new experiences.:) It is dangerous to use? So tried on the net, is not dangerous, but ... Obviously that can not swallow the liquid or inspire endless times consecutively. There are reports of vomiting, fainting, headache strong, weakness, respiratory tract irritation and burns (if coming into contact with the skin). It is advisable for those who have health problems, be more careful and consult with someone known in the field. Another problem is the guarantee of quality. Wrong mixture could have very harmful effects to health. It is only for homosexuals? No. Although most people use are the gays, the Poppers can be used by anyone. The fact that it is used as the drug of love for the gays, is due to facilitate sexual relations, especially anal, so the poppers has been associated with the gay audience. "It enhances the pleasure and suppresses pain by facilitating the penetration." What is the relationship between gender and the Poppers? There are several possible answers, including: - Dilation of blood vessels, or cause an extension, dilatation of blood vessels. This increase causes an increase in the penis, the sensitivity, increased flexibility and facilitates sexual intercourse; - Orgasmo bombastic, or is used by many people to achieve an orgasm out of the series, to go to the stars, at least briefly; - Masturbation, or as we know there are many people who have difficulty achieving an orgasm through masturbation. The Poppers facilitate this practice; - Aphrodisiac, or facilitates the Popers sex with your partner (a) doing the sex reach a high point of pleasure. In many cases the popers can be used as "air" from the fourth ... It would be great to have contributions from readers, reporting experiences or find facts to be important on the Poppers.

Going to the night, alone or accompanied?

I think the situation that you picture in this post, I should have spent more people, if it is not true even with everybody ... When we decide go out (me and my beautiful) almost always invite someone to make us company, heterosexual friends ... At the beginning he was not the issue but now the question always arises: "What kind of bar is it?". I understand, because I know q is not very attractive (at least for those who are alone) go to a site that I call a "mixed". But well see, the "mixed" does not have much, or have homosexual and heterosexual couples (in minority), and one or another girl on the loose. Call that a bar "mixed", left for me to make sense ... A bar "mixed", in my opinion, would be a bar with homosexuals, heteressoxuais, single, married, and seeing all dating, dancing, talking ... It is this environment that I feel more healthy ... It is this environment that I have not found ... Any suggestions?

Gay Night in the Algarve

In seeking leave some sites that my statement was beautiful as the gay bars in the Algarve ... Choose the short list of "Dreams" in Albufeira, and the BAR is "... in Vilamoura The first, the more complicated it was to find it ... After several false alerts, we stop to another gay bar, the "Mirror" in Oura .... This had nothing to gay ... It is the Dreams .... A cozy bar, quietly decorated in concert to transform (not particularly like), with nice people ... The neighbors do not seem like much of the music that night and he was toast on the terrace, with a coat hanger and an onion! Ehehehhe! A "queer" crazy, tried to get us talking and we did spend time hilarious! As is the BAR, I note negative ... The decoration and disappointing and environment was not anything more ... Why is it supposedly in a region where thousands of tourists come every year, a gay night so weak?

And behold, "the circus begins to catch fire" ...

Obviously this article was not referring to the numerous fires that devastate our country every year, including the current year and year after year we have more of it: Promises, guilty virtual passages of responsibility, lies, finally ... But well, as I said, this article does not refer to this type of fireworks, but the other type of fireworks, which is not watching, they can "burn-in" to us or to people that are coming ... These fires also spread rapidly and are hardly limited ... I speak of those rumors that go from mouth to mouth ... Who live or lived in a small village know what I mean, just fire the fuse quickly and we have a whole village and burned alvoraçada to talk than not know and often the "go" inside of people ... That is what is happening to me now ... The news of me being gay starts to spread throughout the village ... I do not know who lit the fuse (and no longer interests me, quite frankly), but I am afraid that there is an "explosion" when the fuse go through my house ... Not by me but by my parents, who perhaps have the greatest fear now that the others know ... Always "the others" to lead the life of ... Anyway, wait and see!

And if she suddenly ask ...?

The big question, of what the answer if my niece discuss the matter with me ... She actually has not yet old enough to understand such things (I think) with its 6 years, but the truth is that the last time we talked on the phone asked me if _______ was me ... I answered that yes, and she said "He 's always with you ... My friends are always with me ...". How should I imagine preplexo with the conversation, and now I ask many times before as if it would be a deal on the subject, now I am even more certain that this day will cehgar, and maybe is not as far as I thought .. . Now the question is what to say and what to do, take or not take, do not omit or omit, lying or not lying ... I think it's one of the most sensitive and that sincerely not yet discovered the best to deal with it ...

What they say when we are not ...?

I bet that all people are asking many times, as will our friends / family when we are not present ... We gays, packaged with our sense of discrimination, we have a heightened interest in what they say ... Many will not care, but to me interested me yes! Obviously I am referring to whom I am close and that I supposedly supported and supports ... A weekend I went to the land, a friend told me that when joined grupinho who commented and said "Who will of man and woman ?!"... Do not take or took it badly, because that is the impression that society has of us, that a gay or lesbian couple is always a member of the couple who took the position of another man and a woman! I always try to pull the issue to clarify things, and explain that this is not rule, but it is notable that in some couples there for gay members of a more "bicharoca" and lesbians with an air more males. However this has some interest? I do not think at all! Then have some people who told me that sometimes, at work or with their families trying to pass the message that we are normal, we are not ET's, we are happy ... What I find interesting is that comment, and that clarify things if possible ... Speaking openly on the subject was always the best way to clarify any issue! No taboos! :)

Jobs versus Gays

Fortunately I had the good fortune to spend in many companies of our country, and work with many different people ... In my area of work, men are almost always in the majority, which is good because as you know, it is much easier to work with men than with women, although I did not practice any situation that proves what I just said. .. But perhaps there are more men, the subject of homosexuality is often discussed, the "paneleiragem" as they say, sometimes in conversations of pure relaxation or provocation or, as witnessed this week in conversations a little more serious .. . The subject "paneleiragem" is in most cases treated with obvious discrimination and disapproval ... That this conversation we saw this week, a lunch, commented the fact that a coworker have felt the need to justify responding to a provocative email sent to everyone, from the then head of the site, which hinted the like " ; man with cat ...". Well, what interests me highlight now is that many people still think it does not work with a gay, think Clearly that "paneleiragem" only works in firms other than them ... The hearing of these conversations, it is clear that a willingness to say "YES! Yes, I'm gay, then? "And wait for reactions annoyed and embarrassment that would almost certainly arise ... After all we live in society, and where a person is always the chance of her being gay / lesbian. Must therefore have been the notion that the person who read us every day, and who might appreciate many qualities, may be gay ... And without wanting to, or perhaps not, we discriminate against it, even unconsciously ...

Tell the parents: YES or NO? (Part 12)

(Continued) ... And so, my mother, began to unconsciously mentalizar this is my (our) new reality ... The calls begin by her "So how are you?" But soon after you try to amend what is said ".. You do not, you ..."... My father is not even anything like the slide of my mother, says she is "give consent to something that goes against what they think ..". She tries to apologize saying that it is only wrong because I used to be many times with my friends ... Ehehehe ... The silence continues on the subject, however I know of some conversations (penalty are very few) that my mother is having with some family on the subject ... But now comes a new ... The relationship of my parents is going through a phase less good, and immediately come the comments ... the father is not able to overcome, and will never accept the fact ... He is nervous ... Afraid that others will know ... It would be a shame. " I think the fact of knowing that you have a gay son, may be cause for shock and some turbulence, because we are talking about something that exterminates with many of the dreams that they (parents), learning, came wonder to me ... But will this be reason enough to ruin the relationship father / mother? Or is it a good excuse to divert attention? Or a more emotional blackmail of my father? I do not know ... Still seek the answer ...