Monday, April 27, 2009

I lost someone ...

There are people in our lives, we make, positive or negative, it is true ... I wanted someone that my grandmother left the world of the living and to join the section of my memories ... She was a grandmother excellent, fantastic, but it was my grandmother ... It was with her I learned how to be humble and simple ... She took me to the garden walk many times and taught me to water the vegetables, taking water from the well, the "drive" the cart ... The dream for her grandchildren, and we were married ... She left without knowing my reality, a reality that surely she would not understand ... In its 94 years of life, it has never crossed the mind the existence of this reality ... I thought by me and not smart in arming and "force it" to consider the perspective of life ... And I think I did well! Funny this life ... That she has always tried to please me with a notinha, or with chocolate, just for the last time we talked about - she was already very poor - I say "I am with a heavy heart ...". I went to the children saying that it, and then realized that this phrase would simply say "Give me a chocolate !"... Obviously I would be happy for you sweeten the mouth ... She ate, looked at me fixedly and said "There is more ?"... I smile, and called it a "greedy !"... She outlined a smile malandreco ... The roles of the drama that is life, had been reversed ... A smile that would ultimately prove to be the last I had the pleasure of witnessing! Said the priest in the funeral that "This ceremony makes sense only because we believe that death is not the end but the beginning of eternal happiness. I think this time it is better that we all ..." I also want to believe ... Goodbye Grandma, and even a day!

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