I talked about this subject and I don't resign myself... Incidentally, today had a reader that left a comment, referring that I should be in another world, because when he told to his family, he was putted away, alone, and with his image totally dirty... I read also, in PortugalGay.pt that one student was supposedly humiliated and taken by his course classmates, after he assumed his sexual orientation... Really, hat make thinking... Me, fortunately hadn't to pass for none of this situations , but I take my precautions too... When I told to my family I don't knew what would be their reaction, but I searched to do that when I was already independent. This, beyond giving us strength, is also a "joker" that our family could use against us, and I say "joker", because to many parents think that place their son on the street would force him to leave homosexuality. About the telling to the class, there's some data remaining to understand the why of this "communication" and in what circumstances this happened... Unfortunately in this point, I also think that we should leave to the last alternative the act of tell our orientation to our classmates, we've the right of don't tell it...
Of course, when we're go to do it, we should wait all the possible reactions, because tell to our classmates isn't like tell to our friends. Our friends think in us and are faithful to us (the true friends of course!), the mates are too, but they can, at the first opportunity, for merely professional questions use the sexual orientation with the end of prejudice the mate...
I know that we already knew this, but I felt like, after read the stories, leave my testimony of total repudiation for any type of discrimination and to know (and I mean to "know": the moment, who, with any way, prepared for any unexpected reaction...) take to us and to the others our sexual orientation when this will be relevant and important to us. :))
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