Saturday, January 30, 2010

DRILLING IN THE BLOG IV - Do you think a (couple) homosexual should be able to adopt a child?

More a survey by I completed, with a total of 101 ratings, based on the question "Do you think a (couple) homosexual be able to adopt a child?". The results of this survey let me obviously happy, where a clear majority to support possibility of adoption by of (couples) homosexual ...But good analysis is then results in detail:The most determined and who see any chance of the homosexuals can see any days to adopt children represent 10% of voters. Already other 15%are less drastic and voted a "no" showing so that in future the opinion may change ... There are still 28% who have doubts and open the hypothesis adopted by homosexuals would depend that some factors. Response winner of the poll is "Yes" which collects 47% of the vote. CONCLUSION: It's difficult to conclude more than 70% of people approve with or without restrictions adoption of children in Portugal by homosexuals. Not deny that it makes me happy and to believe that perhaps, unlike many think, the law may be changed more quickly
imaginable. In my opinion, if we focus on that really matters in this subject, namely the well-being physical and psychological development of children, I don't understand complicated any child yearns to have a home with all the facilities and well be possible. If there's a father, mother, two fathers, two mothers, an uncle, an aunt is in my see the side of this issue. There will surely gay that will not be able to adopt a child, but I hope that maybe there adoptive couples more than have these conditions, but still are privileged person in adoption procedures.

Friday, January 29, 2010

There's something in womans that much envy me...

... that's the fact that only they can pass through the unique experience of pregnancy and have a child. I mention this because this weekend was the wedding of two longtime friends, among many other guests, and the truth is that because of several couples they married a short time ago, the children are a constant in conversations ... Some pregnant, others to try and with some other less pleasant experiences. But it's nice seeing a new mother, speaking of his experience with a twinkle in his eye and one very special ... I just thought to myself "How I'd like to also be able to go through this experience." But he wanted to, who we "invented" that only women have that privilege and on that there is not even nothing to do. And by chance I'm at a stage where several friends go through these experience (some already future parents, others try to be our parents, other daddies and others in which things did not go very well), and that makes the conversations very interesting.. And even here we (society) try (often with good intention) poking your nose when asking for a baby without knowing sometimes what is really happening and that this simple question can cause enough embarrassment to the couple. I have said several times that on the day I came out as gay a few of the things that hurt me most was knowing that the dream of having a child would have to be put aside, at least as "normal" is designed as a baby. .. Many think that even so all is not lost, and this is true ... This weekend, the dormant desire of having a child has to be agreed, and the adoption was again a part of my daily thoughts .... We shall see! :)

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Grilfriends?!?! But... How was it possible?!

This was one of the doubts of many of my friends had when knew that I was gay... In fact, I always lived surrounded with woman, but were just friends, except some... Naturaly, I had girlfriends, and this raised the question "So, how you had girlfriends, if you're gay??!?!"... Right, I think that this happens because all of us (generally of the society) pushes us to womans, becoming the fact of haven't girlfriend reason to suspects or doubts. Now, as I always wanted to hide the fact that I'm gay, nothing better than trying to have a girlfriend... But it doesn't work, I dated with Cristina, with Sara and with Susana (a few hum...) and, in fact, the things doesn't worked and believe me that one of them was everything I would want for me... But nature doesn't forgives, and was having always something that was missing to complete the relationship. Actually I'm a big friend of all of they, and they accepted very well the fact that I'm gay, and, in some cases, it served to clarify some situations... And you ask: "And how was that relationship, it was one normal love and sex relationship?", and I answer that I think that would be much more love (or a strong feeling that I used to call love) than sex, even because in relation to sex, things never went very well...

"OFF THE RECORD" Comment - Crisis

Who has been reading my posts on my blog, sure that already noticed that I'm not a person of swallow injustices and that I alwayes try to give voice to my desires, to my anguishes... So, I think that the best place to express it is right here, even if this subject couldn't be relacionated with the theme of this blog... This first "Off the Record" comment is dedicated to the so known and alson with beards "portuguese crisis". She is always accompanied with her friend "Deficit", that haves a back very wide, and for that, he's alwayes responsible for the setbacks of his nephews, the portuguese politicians. I remembered and I felt will to write about this subject, after I've found that yesterday, on an Lisbon esplanade, while I was having lunch, that the two persons of the two around tables, were commenting (or regreting) the just announced tax increases... And to top it off, two ladies passed around me that were saying ventings that the politicians should steal money from the riches, and not to the poors... To over this sequence, when I just over to have lunch, I went to the kiosk close to the restaurant, e for my admiration, at the first page of a newspaper, Socrates retrated a bit on the announced measures, that withdrew some with some members of the parliament benefits, and that the "Caixa Geral de Depositos" (that in the first three months of this year improved 20% of the profits) is for the next two years isent of paying IRC (tax to the profits of the companies). Nothing am I think in 10 years here (maybe I'm being optimistic) the people that work has been year after year deceived and runaway ... And if there was doubt, it is almost unavoidable to this chaotic situation (which is what at least for now, as in other years past, would have us believe) that we are involved. And who pays for the irresponsibility of our leaders? They? Of course not ... I think we're a country where being a politician is becoming more attractive, and not because their responsibilities are more noble and the challenges are greater.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Spain, 4th country in the world with homosexual marriage and adoption allowed

Today with all the certainly marked in the gay's memory of Spain, and also to the rest of the world, after finally was approved this morning, on the parliament, the law modification that gives to homosexuals all the same rights as heterosexuals, in respect of the civil marriage and to the child adoption by gays.
While very close here, there's happening the steps in the changing way, very close to the tail of the world...
CONGRATULATIONS to all that want benefit of the approved law in Spain...
About the others, the fight continues...

Because the ignorant people exist...

I talked about this subject and I don't resign myself... Incidentally, today had a reader that left a comment, referring that I should be in another world, because when he told to his family, he was putted away, alone, and with his image totally dirty... I read also, in that one student was supposedly humiliated and taken by his course classmates, after he assumed his sexual orientation... Really, hat make thinking... Me, fortunately hadn't to pass for none of this situations , but I take my precautions too... When I told to my family I don't knew what would be their reaction, but I searched to do that when I was already independent. This, beyond giving us strength, is also a "joker" that our family could use against us, and I say "joker", because to many parents think that place their son on the street would force him to leave homosexuality. About the telling to the class, there's some data remaining to understand the why of this "communication" and in what circumstances this happened... Unfortunately in this point, I also think that we should leave to the last alternative the act of tell our orientation to our classmates, we've the right of don't tell it...
Of course, when we're go to do it, we should wait all the possible reactions, because tell to our classmates isn't like tell to our friends. Our friends think in us and are faithful to us (the true friends of course!), the mates are too, but they can, at the first opportunity, for merely professional questions use the sexual orientation with the end of prejudice the mate...
I know that we already knew this, but I felt like, after read the stories, leave my testimony of total repudiation for any type of discrimination and to know (and I mean to "know": the moment, who, with any way, prepared for any unexpected reaction...) take to us and to the others our sexual orientation when this will be relevant and important to us. :))

If there were doubts, now there's not anymore...!

I mean, the manifestation against the homophobia that was realized this weekend in Viseu. Was nice to see on the TV Mr. Viseu's Mayor, saying that he won't admit that Viseu was known as the most Portuguese homophobic city, and came a old man almost drooling of from nerves screaming as one of the demonstrators of the manifestation. And to complete the scene, quickly a lady rush saying "he's right, yes indeed"... We know that this reactions exists in the whole country, but in Viseu there was happening truly lamentable situations, able to do a movie, searching to reject the homosexuals... What else we can say? This is our country, a little hidden, that only moves to support football teams, leaving what really matters to each other life to background. And, as the saying tells "In Rome, be a Roman", maybe there's our way: the people always being stupid and ignorant. This is the being way that the politicians are all happy! :-S

"Estimation Friends" (doubtful)...

I don't know if the words I'm going to say are true or false, but my experience and the years in that I've meeting very good people, and in all relationships, there's almost always an "estimation friend". I decided to call them like that, but I also could call them "doubtful friends" or other names, but the thing I really want is to refer is friends that cause disagreements in a relationship... That exists in my relationship, and I think that this happens in many other relationships... But what friends are they? I think they're that friends very close to only one member of the couple, where the other tends to see suspiciously. But, curiously that person is normally close to the couple, and although apparently all seems to be okay, in the reality the things are not so like that. The jealousy or the possible threat that we imagine in our head, never pass and always remains, and with the minimal oversight, we're back to charge against the "estimation friend". It will be like that?... To think... :)