Friday, March 19, 2010

To be Gay's becoming fashion?

Like it or not, but it makes me look like that being gay is now being trendy! Since it was rumored about now our Prime Minister Jose Socrates about his alleged homosexual relationship, began to proliferate on television the cases if gay ... They appear in the novels Portuguese in Brazilian soap operas and more recently in television programs. Indeed, lie, they have always been on television more or less camouflaged! But now there are some who decided to come out to the Portuguese people to his homosexuality, and doing so make us some money ... I can only conclude therefore that is to be gay, and who knows if one day does not do the same! Ehehehe! Meanwhile, and as millions follow the novels that invade our homes via television in prime time, I can only hope that with so much gay as overshadowed minds begin to look for us in another way! :)

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